


Brønshøjvej 17, 2700 København, Denmark


Avis des visiteurs sur Rollespilsfabrikken :

Andreas Berg Melson business_listings.profile picture

Andreas Berg Melson

If you or your child are interested in live or table role-playing games, then this place is a must

Mads Carlsen business_listings.profile picture

Mads Carlsen

Mega cool place with good people ☺ very politically active which could well scare some people away. Cool premises and opportunities for social activities ☺

Jacob Schulze business_listings.profile picture

Jacob Schulze

One of the guys suddenly took the door off and painted it yellow... Love it...

Morten Will business_listings.profile picture

Morten Will

Very strange grill bar, but good service

Lucca Andersen business_listings.profile picture

Lucca Andersen

Really cozy place with lots of cool activities

Laurens Bøggild Moss business_listings.profile picture

Laurens Bøggild Moss

This place is exactly what you hope it is!

Daniel Wiegell business_listings.profile picture

Daniel Wiegell

A fantastic hub for multiple activities, and rainbow colored people.

jacob Kjellerup business_listings.profile picture

jacob Kjellerup

Fantastic creative and developing environment