Roskilde Cykle Ring



Kildegården 12, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Opiniones de los visitantes sobre Roskilde Cykle Ring:

Karsten Alleshauge Krabbe business_listings.profile picture

Karsten Alleshauge Krabbe

Roskilde Cykle Ring belongs to Kildegården in Roskilde, which is the former Barracks for Roskilde's soldiers. • Roskilde Cykle Ring has been the center for many well-known cyclists who have participated in bicycle races such as the PostDanmark Rundt and the Tour de France.

OLLYAC business_listings.profile picture


I personally know Oskar Louw who is an exceptionally good rider, and therefore this is a perfect example of a Super good Cycling Club

Matti Christensen business_listings.profile picture

Matti Christensen

Good club. very good riders but Oskar Louw Larsen is the best.

Villads Pedersen business_listings.profile picture

Villads Pedersen

Really good club, with good riders. Oskar Louw is really good.

Johnny Larsen business_listings.profile picture

Johnny Larsen

The world's best cycling club