Ølstykke Billardklub



Skelbækvej 8, 3650 Ølstykke, Denmark

Opiniones de los visitantes sobre Ølstykke Billardklub:

Brian Jensen business_listings.profile picture

Brian Jensen

Snooker and billiards, cheap quota 100 kroner per month and open both day and night, the club has just been renovated and it is a wonderful place to be with nice people who want to play with you, so just look down, we hold a club night on Monday and Thursday.

Flemming Nielsen business_listings.profile picture

Flemming Nielsen

Table 1 runs crooked. Nice premises, nice people. Nice and clean

Ebbe Hansen business_listings.profile picture

Ebbe Hansen

We would like to have some more members, we have got a pool table with heat in the tables and a snore table. About 10 different kinds. 😀😀😀

pernille larsen business_listings.profile picture

pernille larsen

A club with many members and a club where you enjoy yourself and help each other with the game

Mr. Master business_listings.profile picture

Mr. Master

There is no club, just a secluded area, perfect for dog walking

Carsten Andersen business_listings.profile picture

Carsten Andersen

Super place, nice coziness and fantastic people

Claus Willum Jensen business_listings.profile picture

Claus Willum Jensen

Big and cozy club.

Steen Bengtson business_listings.profile picture

Steen Bengtson

Nice club